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在软件开发过程中,结对编程(Pair Programming)是提升代码质量的一种有效方式。在之前的文章Google软件工程之文化篇打造团队知识共享文化中,我曾对这种编程方式做过简单的介绍。


结对编程有两种模式:乒乓模式(Ping-Pong)与驾驶员观察者模式(Driver-Observer),前者适合以TDD的方式开发,后者适合老带新。本文主要采用后者的方式,我以一个观察员的身份去规划系统功能设计并审查代码,然后使用一些Prompt Engineering的技巧让ChatGPT以驾驶员的身份去开发实现。


Prompt Engineering相关的课程推荐观看由Andrew Ng与Isa Fulford讲授的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers免费短课程,本文也会将课程中的一些Prompt Engineering技巧应用到此次的实际开发中。






  • 如何触发消息发送的动作?调用某个接口?还是直接操作数据库?

  • 消息怎么存储?存储在数据库?还是存储在文件系统?

  • 消息如何定制化?是否需要支持消息模板?

  • 消息发送的频率如何控制?是否需要支持消息发送的时间间隔?

  • 消息发送的状态如何跟踪?是否需要支持消息发送的状态查询?

  • 消息发送失败如何处理?是否需要支持消息发送失败的重试?






尝试使用正确的 Prompt




Prompt: Let’s start to implement this feature, use cloudflare worker with typescript, there is a database to store message sent history, it is like the sql migration behavior, there is a dir to store the message template files, the message send will store in to the database and will not send again. So we will have a sendMessage function, this function will first to scan the message dir to get the file list and will compare the database to get the not send message files but every time it only to get one un-send message templat then use the slack post message to send the message to all the users. That means every time the sendMessage function execute it just send one message to all users if there is. the message template file is a json like file but store the slack blocks template, the template can use the data to render a real slack message blocks.

Based this, you can implement one step by step.Rember I have the project and no need to give me how to init the project, just start the function implement and the template design, I also want to know how to build the blocks from the template, and there is also a sqlite database to store the users table, so you may need to create a migration sql to create the new message table.

Answer: From ChatGPT.




在第二段中,我还要求它给予详细的实现步骤,并且不需要考虑初始化项目的步骤,因为这不是一个新项目,我们需要在已有代码的基础上去实现新的功能。所以这里的Prompt还有一个技巧:给模型思考的时间。Step by step是一个具有魔力的Prompt词汇,可以让ChatGPT花更多的时间去计算思考这个问题,而不是直接给出一个答案。




  • 让ChatGPT以Cloudflare Worker + Typescript的方式去实现这个功能;

  • 有一个数据库用于存储消息发送的历史记录,类似于SQL的迁移行为,这里的数据库是SQLite;

  • 有一个目录用于存储消息模板文件,消息发送时会从这个目录中读取消息模板文件;

  • 消息发送时会把消息存储到数据库中,以便后续查询;

  • 消息发送时会把消息发送给所有用户;

  • 消息模板文件是一个JSON文件,里面存储了Slack的消息模板,可以使用数据渲染出一个真实的Slack消息;

  • 每次发送消息时,只会发送一条消息给所有用户;

  • 根据以上这些要求,让ChatGPT一步步去实现这个功能,并且不需要考虑初始化项目的步骤;

  • 同时让ChatGPT创建一个数据库迁移SQL,用于创建消息表。




Prompt: I think there is some mistake: - The getUnsentMessages function need to scan the messages dir and compare the database which just save the sent message and only get the oldest unsend message file. - the renderMessageTemplate function use the template and a dic to render a real json, u need to think how to render the template, is there any tmeplate render methond in typescript.

Answer: From ChatGPT.








Prompt: I want to implement a function, it get the cloudflare R2 bucket directory to get the message file list, and then querey the database table to know if this file are sent to all user, that means there is a status filed to record if the message file is sent to all user, becasue the users size are big, so it will need to sent mult times, can u design the table and give the migration sql, the database is sqlite, currently it has a Users table, so you need to consider how to record the message file if it is send to all users.

Answer: From ChatGPT.




Prompt: // first we need to iterate through the list of files and get the file name list, then query the database table MessageBroadcast to insert the file name which is not in the table for (const file of getMessageFileList.objects) { const filename = file.key.split('/').pop(); const messageBroadcast = await c.env.DB.prepare(` select * from MessageBroadcast where message_file_name = ? `).bind(filename).first(); if (!messageBroadcast) { await c.env.DB.prepare(` insert into MessageBroadcast (message_file_name, send_status) values (?, ?) `).bind(filename, false).run(); } } regarding of the sql, how can I give the file name list to insert those files are not in the table by one sql statement?

Answer: From ChatGPT.






Prompt: the sql seems magic, can u give the explain or some examples to show how it works?

Answer: From ChatGPT.






Prompt: this generate: INSERT INTO MessageBroadcast (message_filename, status) SELECT filename, ‘UNSENT’ FROM (VALUES (‘1681390809.mustache’)) AS files(filename) WHERE filename NOT IN (SELECT message_filename FROM MessageBroadcast); But I want to generate the: INSERT INTO MessageBroadcast (message_filename, status) SELECT filename, ‘UNSENT’ FROM ( SELECT ‘filename1’ AS filename UNION SELECT ‘filename2’ AS filename UNION SELECT ‘filename3’ AS filename UNION SELECT ‘filename4’ AS filename ) AS files_to_insert WHERE filename NOT IN ( SELECT message_filename FROM MessageBroadcast );

Answer: From ChatGPT.


在这个Prompt中,我用到了第七个Prompt的技巧:few-shot。这个Prompt的技巧可大有来头,因为这是GPT-3的论文Language Models are Few-Shot Learners标题的由来。如果你发现ChatGPT没有给出一个满意的答案,那么你可以给出一个更具体的例子,让ChatGPT帮你完成这个例子。




Prompt: Think step by step, the question context is, the Users table have almost a thousand users, and the MessageBroadcast table have a record means a message need to send to all users, and the UserMessageBroadcastStatus is like a middle table to record if this message has sent to all users, so the requirment is we need to find a batch size like 30 users who are not sent to this message, so what is the sql like?

Answer: From ChatGPT.


这里依旧用到了Prompt的第二个技巧:Think step by step。但它显然没有给出一个满意的答案,于是我又给它提出了一个Prompt:


Prompt: the question is at the beginning, the message is created in the MessageBroadcast, and the UserMessageBroadcastStatus has nothing, it only will insert data after the message is sent to the user, then a process will updat the table, think again!

Answer: From ChatGPT.


这显然也用到了Prompt的第三个技巧:Think again,最终它给了我一个满意的答案。




  • 要求结构化输出:比如直接要求它输出SQL语句,或绘制架构图:通过Prompt提供系统组件的关联关系,然后让ChatGPT以Mermaid格式输出时序图(Sequence Diagram)或C4图(C4 Diagrams);

  • 翻译代码:比如将Python代码翻译成Typescript代码;

  • 总结:比如总结一下这个问题的解决方案;






ChatGPT 无法替代人工编程







