Truffle is a development framework that brings a modern web development experience to the Ethereum platform. It takes over the job of smart contract compiling, library linking and deployment, as well as dealing with artifacts in different blockchain networks. One of the reasons we love Truffle is that it encourages people to write tests for their smart contracts. You need to take tests really seriously as smart contract programming is often related to money. With its built-in testing framework and integration with TestRPC, Truffle makes it possible to write the contract in a TDD way. We expect to see more technologies similar to Truffle to promote continuous integration in the blockchain area.
Truffle is a development framework that brings a modern web development experience to the Ethereum platform. It takes over the job of smart contract compiling, library linking and deployment, as well as dealing with artifacts in different blockchain networks. One of the reasons we love Truffle is that it encourages people to write tests for their smart contracts. You need to take tests really seriously as smart contract programming is often related to money. With its built-in testing framework and integration with TestRPC, Truffle makes it possible to write the contract in a TDD way. We expect to see more technologies similar to Truffle to promote continuous integration in the blockchain area.