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TensorFlow Lite

更新于 : Oct 27, 2021
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Oct 2021
Trial ?

自2018年雷达中首次提到 TensorFlow Lite 以来,我们已经在一些产品中使用了它。很高兴它与宣传的效果一致。除了将预训练模型集成到移动应用程序中的标准用法, TensorFlow Lite 还支持设备上训练,从而进一步开辟应用领域。TensorFlow Lite 网站不仅展示了许多常见的应用示例(如图像分类和目标检测),还隐含了诸如姿态估计和手势识别等新交互方式的应用。

May 2018
Assess ?

TensorFlow Lite is the designated successor of TensorFlow Mobile, which we mentioned in our previous Radar. Like Mobile it is a lightweight solution tuned and optimized for mobile devices (Android and iOS). We expect the standard use case to be the deployment of pretrained models into mobile apps but TensorFlow Lite also supports on-device learning which opens further areas of application.

发布于 : May 15, 2018

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