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Java language end of life

更新于 : Jan 31, 2011
这一条目不在当前版本的技术雷达中。如果它出现在最近几期中,那么它很有可能仍然具有相关参考价值。如果这一条目出现在更早的雷达中,那么它很有可能已经不再具有相关性,我们的评估将不再适用于当下。很遗憾我们没有足够的带宽来持续评估以往的雷达内容。 了解更多
Jan 2011
Assess ?
The purchase of Sun, and thus their Java assets, by Oracle introduced uncertainty regarding the future of Java. This uncertainty continues despite the recent announcements of Oracle’s Java roadmap, which had both encouraging and worrying aspects. As a result we continue to highlight the issue. We recommend monitoring the situation rather than any immediate actions to move off the platform.
Aug 2010
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As we have discussed previously, the Java language appears to be moving slowly as the Java community waits for Java 7. Having waited for new language features to surface for almost 3 years, the Java community has begun to innovate in new languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine, languages such as Groovy, JRuby, Scala and Clojure. With the increase in number of languages available on the JVM, we expect enterprises to begin to assess the suitability of reducing the amount of Java specific code developed in their enterprise applications in favor of these newer languages. This is not to say that enterprises should outright abandon Java as a programming language, we do however suggest that you look for alternatives that may be more fi t for purpose in the area that new development is taking place.
Apr 2010
Assess ?
Jan 2010
Assess ?
As C# continues to surge ahead, the Java language appears to be moving slowly as the Java community waits for Java 7. Having waited for new language features to surface for almost 3 years, the Java community has begun to innovate in new languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine, languages such as Groovy, JRuby, Scala and Clojure. With the increase in number of languages available on the JVM, we expect enterprises to begin to assess the suitability of reducing the amount of Java specific code developed in their enterprise applications in favor of these newer languages.
发布于 : Jan 11, 2010

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