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VR beyond gaming

更新于 : Mar 29, 2017
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Mar 2017
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The idea of virtual reality has been around for more than 50 years, and with successive advancements in computing technology many ideas have been hyped and explored. We believe that we've reached a tipping point. Reasonably affordable consumer-oriented VR headsets were shipped to the market last year, and modern graphics cards provide sufficient power to create immersive experiences with them. The headsets are mainly targeted at video game enthusiasts, but we're convinced that they'll open the doors to many possibilities for VR beyond gaming. Teams without experience in building video games should not underestimate the effort and skill required to create good 3-D models and convincing textures.

Nov 2016
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The idea of virtual reality has been around for more than 50 years, and with successive improvements of computing technology many ideas have been hyped and explored. We believe that we're reaching a tipping point now. Modern graphics cards provide sufficient compute power to render detailed, realistic scenes in high resolutions, and at the same time at least two consumer-oriented VR headsets (the HTC Vive and Facebook's Oculus Rift) are coming to market. These headsets are affordable, they have high-resolution displays, and they eliminate perceivable motion-tracking lag, which was causing issues such as headaches and nausea before. The headsets are mainly targeted at enthusiast video gaming, but we are convinced that they will open many possibilities for VR beyond gaming , particularly as the low-fi approaches, such as Google Cardboard, are driving greater awareness.

Apr 2016
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发布于 : Apr 05, 2016

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