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更新于 : Apr 13, 2021
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Apr 2021
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我们对“做敏捷之前先得变得敏捷”的定位以及我们对该主题的观点应该不会让人感到意外。根据Gartner 2019年5月的报告来看,规模化敏捷框架® (Scaled Agile Framework®)是被考虑和使用得最多的企业敏捷框架,我们也看到越来越多的企业正在经历组织变革,因此我们认为是时候再次提高对该主题的认知了。我们遇到过一些组织在过度标准化的规模化敏捷框架(SAFe)和阶段化流程中苦苦挣扎。这些流程在组织架构及其运作模式中造成摩擦。它还会导致组织中形成孤岛,阻碍平台成为真正的业务能力推动者。自上而下的管控会在价值流中产生浪费,阻碍工程人才的创造力,同时限制团队的自主性和试验。相较于衡量工作量并关注标准化的仪式,我们更加推荐采用一种更精益的,以价值驱动的方法和治理来帮助组织减少摩擦,例如价值驱动的数字化转型或者团队认知负荷评估,以识别团队的类型并确定他们应该如何更好地互动。

Scaled Agile Framework® 和SAFe™均为Scaled Agile公司的商标。

Apr 2016
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The Scaled Agile Framework® (aka SAFe™ ) continues to gain mindshare in many organizations at scale. In addition, tools and certification are becoming a significant aspect of the adoption of SAFe™. We continue to be concerned that actual adoptions are prone to over-standardization and are tending towards large release practices, resulting in practices that hinder agile adoption. In its place, we continue to recommend lean approaches that include experimentation and incorporate continuous improvement practices like the Improvement Katas offer organizations a better model for scaling agile.

Scaled Agile Framework® and SAFe™ are trademarks of Scaled Agile, Inc.

Nov 2015
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May 2015
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Scaling agile across enterprises is a continuing challenge. Several approaches have been proposed, with SAFe™ being one gaining significant mindshare. While SAFe™ provides a useful checklist for areas of concern, they are easy to misuse, by introducing the same kind of large release tendencies like the release train and gated control processes that agile removes. Enterprises in particular look for a degree of commonality across endeavors that SAFe™ seems to provide, promoting aggressive standardization when some degree of customization provides significant value. Other lean approaches that include experimentation and incorporate continuous improvement practices like the Improvement Katas offer organizations a better model for scaling agile.

Scaled Agile Framework® and SAFe™ are trademarks of Scaled Agile, Inc.

Jan 2015
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发布于 : Jan 28, 2015

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