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Crypto shredding

更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
Trial ?

Maintaining proper control over sensitive data is difficult, especially when it's copied outside of a master system of record for backup and recovery purposes. Crypto shredding is the practice of rendering sensitive data unreadable by deliberately overwriting or deleting encryption keys used to secure that data. Considering there are systems, such as audit application or blockchain, that should not or could not delete historical records, this technique is quite useful for privacy protection and GDPR compliance.

Nov 2018
Trial ?

Maintaining proper control over sensitive data is difficult, especially when—for backup and recovery purposes—data is copied outside of a master system of record. Crypto shredding is the practice of rendering sensitive data unreadable by deliberately overwriting or deleting encryption keys used to secure that data. For example, an entire table of customer personal details could be encrypted using random keys for each record, with a different table storing the keys. If a customer exercised their "right to be forgotten," we can simply delete the appropriate key, effectively "shredding" the encrypted data. This technique can be useful where we're confident of maintaining appropriate control of a smaller set of encryption keys but less confident about control over a larger data set.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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