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更新于 : Oct 26, 2022
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Oct 2022
Trial ?

自从我们上次提到 Camunda 以来,我们已经看到了我们的许多团队和客户在使用该平台,使其在适合引入工作流引擎的领域里,成为我们的首选工作流引擎之一。 Camunda 提供的工作流和决策引擎可以作为库集成到用户的 Java 代码中。 这使得测试、版本化和重构工作流变得更容易,缓解了其他低代码工作流引擎的一些缺点。 我们甚至已经看到 Camunda 在具有高性能要求的环境中被使用。 一些团队还很喜欢它可以很容易与 Spring Boot 做集成及它漂亮的用户界面。

Nov 2018
Assess ?

We tend to be quite skeptical of business process model and notation (BPMN) tools in general as they're often associated with low-code environments and their downsides. Although the OSS BPMN framework Camunda provides some of this whizziness, it also offers workflow and decision engines that can be directly integrated as a library in your Java code. This makes it easy to test, version and refactor workflows. Camunda also integrates with Spring and Spring Boot, among other frameworks, making it a solid choice.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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