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Atlas and BeeHive

更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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A multi-app strategy is really controversial, particularly at a time when fewer and fewer users are downloading new apps. Instead of introducing a new app and struggling with the download numbers, multiteams have to deliver functionality via a single app that is already widely installed, which creates an architectural challenge. Atlas and BeeHive are modularization solutions for Android and iOS apps, respectively. Atlas and BeeHive enable multiteams working on physically isolated modules to reassemble or dynamically load these modules from a facade app. Both are Alibaba open source projects, since Alibaba encountered the same problem of dwindling downloads and single-app architectural challenges.

Nov 2017
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A multi-app strategy is really controversial, particularly at a time when fewer and fewer users are downloading new apps. Instead of introducing a new app and struggling with the download numbers, multiteams have to deliver functionality via a single app that is already widely installed, which creates an architectural challenge. Atlas and BeeHive are modularization solutions for Android and iOS apps, respectively. Atlas and BeeHive enable multiteams working on physically isolated modules to reassemble or dynamically load these modules from a facade app. Both are Alibaba open source projects, since Alibaba encountered the same problem of dwindling downloads and single-app architectural challenges.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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