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更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
Trial ?

Traefik is an open-source reverse proxy and load balancer. If you're looking for an edge proxy that provides simple routing without all the features of NGINX and HAProxy, Traefik is a good choice. The router provides a reload-less reconfiguration, metrics, monitoring and circuit breakers that are essential when running microservices. It also integrates nicely with Let's Encrypt to provide SSL termination as well as infrastructure components such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm or Amazon ECS to automatically pick up new services or instances to include in its load balancing.

Nov 2018
Assess ?

Traefik is an open-source reverse proxy and load balancer. If you're looking for an edge proxy that provides simple routing without all the features of NGINX and HAProxy, Traefik is a good choice. The router provides a reload-less reconfiguration, metrics, monitoring and circuit breakers that are essential when running microservices. It also integrates nicely with Let's Encrypt to provide SSL termination. When compared to Traefik, tools such as NGINX and HAProxy may require additional tooling to templatize configuration in response to scaling, adding or removing microservices and may, at times, require a restart which can be annoying in production environments.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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