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更新于 : Sep 27, 2023
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Sep 2023
Adopt ?

Mermaid 通过使用类似 Markdown 的标记语言来生成图表。自从上次在技术雷达中介绍以来,Mermaid 添加了对更多图表和与源代码存储库、集成开发环境和知识管理工具集成 的支持。 值得注意的是,它在 GitHub 和 GitLab 等流行源代码存储库中得到原生支持,从而可以在 Markdown 文档中嵌入并轻松更新 Mermaid 图表。 我们的许多团队都倾向于使用 Mermaid 作为他们的图表即代码工具,因为它易于使用、集成广泛,且支持的图表类型不断增多。

Nov 2018
Trial ?

Mermaid lets you generate diagrams from a markdown-like markup language. Born out of need to simplify documentation, Mermaid has grown into a larger ecosystem with plugins for Confluence, Visual Studio Code and Jekyll to name a few. To see how it works, you can use the Live Editor on GitHub. Mermaid also has a convenient command line interface that lets you generate SVG, PNG and PDF files as output from definition files. We've been using Mermaid in many projects and we like the simplicity of describing graphs and flowcharts with markdown and checking in the definition files with the code repository.

发布于 : Nov 14, 2018

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