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Container security scanning

更新于 : Nov 20, 2019
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Nov 2019
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Apr 2019
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The container revolution around Docker has massively reduced the friction in moving applications between environments, fueling increased adoption of continuous delivery and continuous deployments. The latter, especially, has blown a rather large hole in the traditional controls over what can go to production. The technique of container security scanning is a necessary response to this threat vector. Tools in the build pipeline automatically check containers flowing through the pipeline against known vulnerabilities. Since our first mention of this technique, the tool landscape has matured and the technique has proven useful on development efforts with our clients.

Mar 2017
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The container revolution instigated by Docker has massively reduced the friction in moving applications between environments but at the same time has blown a rather large hole in the traditional controls over what can go to production. The technique of container security scanning is a necessary response to this threat vector. Docker now provides its own security scanning tools, as does CoreOS, and we've also had success with the CIS Security Benchmarks. Whichever approach you take, we believe the topic of automated container security validation is of high value and a necessary part of PaaS thinking.

Nov 2016
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The container revolution instigated by Docker has massively reduced the friction in moving applications between environments but at the same time has blown a rather large hole in the traditional controls over what can go to production. The technique of container security scanning is a necessary response to this threat vector. Docker now provides its own security scanning tools, as does CoreOS, and we’ve also had success with the CIS Security Benchmarks. Whichever approach you take, we believe the topic of automated container security validation is of high value and a necessary part of PaaS thinking.

发布于 : Nov 07, 2016

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