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更新于 : Apr 24, 2019
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Apr 2019
Trial ?

AWS Fargate, the docker-as-a-service option on AWS, is now widely available across regions. It's a great solution for situations in which teams want to run Docker containers, because AWS Lambda functions aren't powerful enough, without having to manage EC2 instances or Kubernetes clusters. Our teams report generally positive experiences with Fargate; however, the convenience of this managed service can come at a cost, in financial terms.

May 2018
Assess ?

AWS Fargate is a recent entry into the docker-as-a-service space, currently limited to the US-East-1 region. For teams using AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS Fargate is a good alternative without having to manage, provision and configure any underlying EC2 instances or clusters. Fargate allows defining (ECS or EKS – ECS for Kubernetes) tasks as a Fargate type, and they will run on the AWS Fargate infrastructure. If you like the focus on business functionality that AWS Lambda gives you, Fargate is the closest you can get when applications can't be deployed as single functions.

发布于 : May 15, 2018

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