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更新于 : May 05, 2015
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May 2015
Trial ?

We have seen continued interest in Om , a ClojureScript wrapper around Facebook's ReactJS front-end programming framework. Om leverages the inherent immutability of ClojureScript, allowing automatic features like snapshots of UI state and undo. And due to the efficiency of ClojureScript's data structures, some Om applications run faster than identical ones based on the raw underlying React framework. The ecosystem of components and applications around Om is growing and our teams are starting to pick it up.

Jan 2015
Trial ?
Jul 2014
Assess ?
Adopting the entire Clojure stack (the Clojure and ClojureScript languages, and optionally the Datomic database) offers some advantages like immutable data structures from user interface to backend. Several frameworks have appeared in the Clojure space to leverage its unique features, but the most promising so far is Om. Om is a ClojureScript wrapper around Facebook's React JavaScript reactive programming framework. Yet Om leverages the inherent immutability of ClojureScript, allowing automatic features like snapshots of UI state and undo. And due to the efficiency of ClojureScript's data structures, some Om applications run faster than identical ones based on the raw underlying React framework. We expect significant evolution and innovation to continue around Om.
发布于 : Jul 08, 2014

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