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更新于 : Nov 10, 2015
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Nov 2015
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Postman is a Chrome extension that acts as a REST client in your browser, allowing you to create requests and inspect responses. It is a useful tool when developing an API or implementing a client to call an existing API. Postman supports OAuth1 and OAuth2 tokens allowing addition of them to requests where necessary. The response is available as a prettified JSON or XML. With Postman you are able to retrieve a history of requests performed to quickly edit and test the API response to different data. It offers a suite of extensions that allow you to use it as a full-blown test runner too, although we discourage the record and replay style of testing it promotes.

May 2015
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Jan 2015
Trial ?

Postman is a Chrome extension that acts as a REST client in your browser, allowing you to create requests and inspect responses.  It is a useful tool when developing an API or implementing a client to call an existing API. It offers a suite of extensions that allow you to use it as a full-blown test runner too, although we discourage the record and replay style of testing it promotes.

发布于 : Jan 28, 2015

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