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更新于 : Jan 28, 2015
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Jan 2015
Trial ?

In the previous radar, we mentioned the log aggregation service Papertrail as a way to collect and analyze logs from a variety of sources including web servers, routers, databases and PaaS services. Our subsequent experiences using it and the integrations from PaaS providers such as Heroku nudge it into something we would happily recommend as a convenient and expedient option, notwithstanding our concerns about widespread adoption of services that centralize large quantities of data aggregated from multiple parties.

Jul 2014
Assess ?
Papertrail is a log aggregation service that aggregates data from a variety of sources including web-servers, routers, databases and PaaS services. In addition to aggregation it provides search, filtering, and alerts and notifications out of the box. While undeniably convenient and expedient in many cases, we remain concerned about widespread adoption of services that centralize large quantities of data aggregated from multiple parties.
发布于 : Jul 08, 2014

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