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Embedded servlet containers

更新于 : May 22, 2013
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May 2013
Adopt ?
In previous radars we have talked about embedded servlet containers, and these are now widely adopted on our projects. Tools such as SimpleWeb and Webbit take the simple, embedded approach further and offer raw HTTP server functionality without implementing the Java Servlet specification. At the same time, Tomcat, the most popular Java application server, is increasingly used in embedded setups and Microsoft provides self-hosted servers for the .NET framework, lending further weight to this Trend.
Oct 2012
Adopt ?
We have talked much already about embedded servlet containers - and these are now widely adopted on our projects. Tools such as SimpleWeb and Webbit take the simple, embedded approach further and offer raw HTTP server functionality without implementing the Java Servlet specification. We are pleased to see a corresponding reduction in the complexity of test code that takes advantage of this.
Mar 2012
Trial ?
Embedding a servlet container, such as Jetty, inside a Java application has many advantages over running the application inside a container. Testing is relatively painless because of the simple startup, and the development environment is closer to production. Nasty surprises like mismatched versions of libraries or drivers are eliminated by not sharing across multiple applications. While you will have to manage and monitor multiple Java Virtual Machines in production using this model, we feel the advantages offered by the simplicity and isolation are significant.
发布于 : Mar 16, 2012

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