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REST without PUT

更新于 : Jan 28, 2015
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Jan 2015
Trial ?

In the last radar we talked about Capturing Explicit Domain Events, putting emphasis on recording the business-meaningful events that have triggered state transitions instead of just CRUD'ing entities. REST interfaces commonly use PUT to update resource state, however it's often better to POST to record a new event resource which captures intent. REST without PUT has a side-benefit of separating command and query interfaces and forces consumers to allow for eventual consistency.

Jul 2014
Trial ?
In the last radar we talked about Capturing Explicit Domain Events, putting emphasis on recording the business-meaningful events that have triggered state transitions instead of just CRUD'ing entities. REST interfaces commonly use PUT to update resource state, however it's often better to POST to record a new event resource which captures intent. REST without PUT has a side-benefit of separating command and query interfaces and forces consumers to allow for eventual consistency.
发布于 : Jul 08, 2014

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