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Log level per request

发布于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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One problem with observability in a highly distributed microservices architecture is the choice between logging everything — and taking up huge amounts of storage space — or randomly sampling logs and potentially missing important events. Recently, we’ve noticed a technique that offers a compromise between these two solutions. Set the log level per request via a parameter passed in through the tracing header. Using a tracing framework, possibly based on the OpenTracing standard, you can pass a correlation id from service to service in a single transaction. You can even inject other data, such as the desired log level, at the initiating transaction and pass it along with the tracing information. This ensures that the additional data collected corresponds to a single user transaction as it flows through the system. This is also a useful technique for debugging, since services might be paused or otherwise modified on a transaction-by-transaction basis.

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