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Apr 2023
采纳 ?

我们持续从那些 将产品管理思维应用于内部平台 的团队获得良好的反馈。 不过,要记住一个关键特征:这不只是关于团队结构或重命名已有的平台团队; 它还涉及到在团队中应用以产品为中心的工作实践。 具体来说,我们收到的反馈表明,除非团队具有以产品为中心的思维方式,否则他们在使用此技术时将面临挑战。 这可能意味着需要额外的角色,比如产品经理,以及对其他领域的改变,比如需求收集和对成功的衡量。 以这种方式工作意味着与内部消费者(开发团队)建立同理心并且在设计上与他们合作。 平台产品经理制定路线图并确保平台为业务带来价值和增强开发人员的体验。 我们会继续将这项技术视为构建内部平台的关键,以求快速而高效地推出新数字解决方案。

May 2020
采纳 ?

越来越多的公司正在构建内部平台,借此快速有效地推出新型数字化解决方案。成功实施这一战略的企业正 将产品管理思维应用于内部平台 。这意味着与内部消费者(开发团队)建立共情,并在设计上彼此协作。平台的产品经理要建立路线图,确保平台为业务交付价值,为开发者改善体验。不幸的是,我们也见到了一些不太成功的方式,团队在未经验证的假设、没有内部客户的情况下,打造出的平台犹如空中楼阁。这些平台尽管采用了激进的内部策略,但往往无法充分利用,还耗尽了组织的交付能力。和其他产品一样,好的产品管理就是为消费者创造喜爱的产品。

May 2018
试验 ?

We've seen a steep increase in interest in the topic of digital platforms over the past 12 months. Companies looking to roll out new digital solutions quickly and efficiently are building internal platforms, which offer teams self-service access to the business APIs, tools, knowledge and support necessary to build and operate their own solutions. We find that these platforms are most effective when they're given the same respect as an external product offering. Applying product management to internal platforms means establishing empathy with internal consumers (read: developers) and collaborating with them on the design. Platform product managers establish roadmaps and ensure the platform delivers value to the business and enhances the developer experience. Some owners even create a brand identity for the internal platform and use that to market the benefits to their colleagues. Platform product managers look after the quality of the platform, gather usage metrics, and continuously improve it over time. Treating the platform as a product helps to create a thriving ecosystem and avoids the pitfall of building yet another stagnant, underutilized service-oriented architecture.

Nov 2017
试验 ?

We've seen a steep increase in interest in the topic of digital platforms over the past 12 months. Companies looking to roll out new digital solutions quickly and efficiently are building internal platforms, which offer teams self-service access to the business APIs, tools, knowledge and support necessary to build and operate their own solutions. We find that these platforms are most effective when they're given the same respect as an external product offering. Applying product management to internal platforms means establishing empathy with internal consumers (read: developers) and collaborating with them on the design. Platform product managers establish roadmaps and ensure the platform delivers value to the business and enhances the developer experience. Some owners even create a brand identity for the internal platform and use that to market the benefits to their colleagues. Platform product managers look after the quality of the platform, gather usage metrics, and continuously improve it over time. Treating the platform as a product helps to create a thriving ecosystem and avoids the pitfall of building yet another stagnant, underutilized service-oriented architecture.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017

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