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Windows Phone

更新于 : Oct 22, 2012
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Oct 2012
Assess ?
Despite a promising start to Windows Phone, a well thought-out user interface, and probably the best development experience of any mobile platform, we have seen several stumbles in the execution of the platform strategy by Microsoft and its partners. This makes us less optimistic about the future of the platform than we were in the last radar.
Mar 2012
Trial ?
Windows Phone 7 has surprised even some of the long time critics of Windows platforms. After many failed attempts, Microsoft has managed not only to produce a mobile operating system that provides a user experience on par with the other major contenders in the space but also the development support to go with it. Microsoft is making Windows Phone 7 a viable competitor and another choice for a more integrated experience in the corporate arena. Whether it will be able to change adoption trends remains to be seen.
发布于 : Mar 16, 2012

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