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Hot Chocolate

更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
Trial ? 值得一试。了解为何要构建这一能力是很重要的。企业应当在风险可控的前提下在项目中尝试应用此项技术。

GraphQL 生态系统和社区正不断发展。其中,Hot Chocolate 是用于 .NET(包括 .NET Core 和 .NET Classic)的 GraphQL 服务器。该平台可用于构建和托管 schema,并能使用与 GraphQL 相同的基本组件(数据加载器,解析器,schema,操作和类型)对这些 schema 进行查询。Hot Chocolate 的开发团队最近增添了 schema 拼接功能,允许从单个入口点跨多个 schema(从不同位置聚合而成)进行查询。尽管该功能有被滥用的可能,我们的团队仍对 Hot Chocolate 感到满意,因为它提供了详尽的文档,并且能让我们迅速为客户提供价值。

Apr 2019
Assess ? 在了解它将对你的企业产生什么影响的前提下值得探索

The GraphQL ecosystem and community keep growing. Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL server for .NET (core and classic). It lets you build and host schemas and then serve queries against them. The team behind Hot Chocolate has recently added schema stitching which allows for a single entry point to query across multiple schemas aggregated from different locations. Although there are plenty of ways to misuse this approach, it's worth assessing whether to add it to your toolkit.

发布于 : Apr 24, 2019

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