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CMS as a platform

更新于 : Mar 29, 2017
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Mar 2017
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We are seeing too many organizations run into trouble as they attempt to use their CMS as a platform for delivering large and complex digital applications. This is often driven by the vendor-fueled hope of bypassing unresponsive IT organizations and enabling the business to drag and drop changes directly to production. While we are very supportive of providing content producers with the right tools and workflows, for applications with complex business logic we tend to recommend treating your CMS as a component of your platform (often in a hybrid or headless mode) cooperating cleanly with other services, rather than attempting to implement all of your functionality in the CMS itself.

Nov 2016
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We are seeing too many organizations run into trouble as they attempt to use their CMS as a platform for delivering large and complex digital applications. This is often driven by the vendor-fueled hope of bypassing unresponsive IT organizations and enabling the business to drag and drop changes directly to production. While we are very supportive of providing content producers with the right tools and workflows, for applications with complex business logic we tend to recommend treating your CMS as a component of your platform (often in a hybrid or headless mode) cooperating cleanly with other services, rather than attempting to implement all of your functionality in the CMS itself.

Jan 2015
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In previous editions of the radar, we have written about the pitfalls of trying to use a CMS as a platform and we continue to see this problematic approach “in the wild.” CMS as an editing, collaboration and workflow platform can work well, and we certainly do not discount these features. We have had success using Two Stack CMS, an approach that separates the concerns of editing and publishing content.

Jul 2014
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Content Management Systems (CMS) have their place. In many cases it is unreasonable to write editing and workflow functionality from scratch. However, we have experienced serious problems when CMS as a platform becomes an IT solution that grows beyond managing simple content.
Jan 2014
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发布于 : Jan 28, 2014

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