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React Native

更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
Trial ?

We are seeing continued success with React Native for rapid cross-platform mobile development. Despite some churn as it undergoes continuing development, the advantages of trivial integration between native and nonnative code and views, the rapid development cycle (instant reload, chrome debugging, Flexbox layout) and general growth of the React style is winning us over. As with many frameworks, care needs to be taken to keep your code well structured, but diligent use of a tool like Redux really helps here.

Apr 2016
Trial ?
Nov 2015
Assess ?

Yet another entrant into the cross-platform mobile development world, Facebook’s React Native brings the React.js programming model to iOS and Android developers. React Native programs are written in JavaScript, but unlike a hybrid framework such as Ionic, React Native gives developers access to native UI components on the target platform. This is an approach we’ve seen before (e.g., Calatrava), but React Native has already inspired a substantial developer community and builds on the momentum generated by React.js. This framework could play a significant role in the future of mobile app development.

发布于 : Nov 10, 2015

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