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更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
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Nov 2016
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Immutability is often emphasized in the functional programming paradigm, and most languages have the ability to create immutable objects—objects that can't be changed once created. Immutable.js is a library for JavaScript that provides many persistent immutable data structures, which are highly efficient on modern JavaScript virtual machines. Immutable.js objects are, however, not normal JavaScript objects, so references to JavaScript objects from immutable objects should be avoided. More teams are using this library for tracking mutation and maintaining state in production. We recommend that developers investigate this library, especially when it's combined with the rest of the Facebook stack.

Apr 2016
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Immutability is often emphasized in the functional programming paradigm, and most languages have the ability to create immutable objects, which cannot be changed once created. Immutable.js is a library for JavaScript that provides many persistent immutable data structures, which are highly efficient on modern JavaScript virtual machines. Immutable.js objects are, however, not normal JavaScript objects, so references to JavaScript objects from immutable objects should be avoided. Our teams have had value using this library for tracking mutation and maintaining state, and it is a library we encourage developers to investigate, especially when it's combined with the rest of the Facebook stack.

发布于 : Apr 05, 2016

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