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更新于 : Jul 08, 2014
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Jul 2014
Adopt ? 我们强烈建议业界采用这些技术,我们将会在任何合适的项目中使用它们。
Hadoop's initial architecture was based on the paradigm of scaling data horizontally and metadata vertically. While data storage and processing were handled by the slave nodes reasonably well, the masters that managed metadata were a single point of failure and limiting for web scale usage. Hadoop 2.0 has significantly re-architected both HDFS and the Map Reduce framework to address these issues. The HDFS namespace can be federated now using multiple name nodes on the same cluster and deployed in a HA mode. MapReduce has been replaced with YARN, which decouples cluster resource management from job state management and eliminates the scale/performance issues with the JobTracker. Most importantly, this change encourages deploying new distributed programming paradigms in addition to MapReduce on Hadoop clusters.
Jan 2014
Trial ? 值得一试。了解为何要构建这一能力是很重要的。企业应当在风险可控的前提下在项目中尝试应用此项技术。
May 2013
Trial ? 值得一试。了解为何要构建这一能力是很重要的。企业应当在风险可控的前提下在项目中尝试应用此项技术。
发布于 : May 22, 2013

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