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diverse group of women

Taking over tech - 

Let's be badass!

After two amazing events in Cologne and Munich, Taking over tech is finally heading to Stuttgart.


Our Taking over tech events give inspiring and badass women the stage to talk about their expertise. No fluff, pure tech - or in this case data! This way we want to promote female role models and talents in tech who sometimes just need the right stage to show their badassery. 


Join us on Thursday, June 29 from 6:30pm for the Data edition of Taking over tech, where we look forward to thought-provoking talks by Anastasia Caspers from Bosch, and Anna Lagutina, Senior Software Developer at Thoughtworks. Anna is going to share how to save valuable time and money by outlining the importance of testing in data-driven software while Anastasia will give an outlook into a green energy future by building an Analytics Data Platform.


June 29, 2023

Saving lives and money: The importance of testing in data-driven software

Anna Lagutina


Ever wondered what would happen if we skip some testing in our data analysis? Spoiler alert: nothing good! Join this talk to discover the vital role of testing in data-driven software development and explore the significance of implementing rigorous software development practices within data products and showcase their real-world impact.


Through compelling examples and case studies, Anna will highlight best practices for software development that are crucial for successful data driven products. By uncovering common themes, she will emphasize the importance of testing practices: robust for software engineers and relatively new for data analytics and data scientists.


Discover the integral connection between testing, data engineering, and the potential for making a positive difference in the world and how it aligns with Thoughtworks' commitment to delivering impactful, high-quality software solutions. Maybe in the end we won’t really save lives with testing, but definitely money, time, and energy! 


Building a modern Analytics Data Platform for a green energy future

Anastasia Caspers


Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) generate electricity and heat decentrally in a climate-friendly and sustainable way. They are designed as AIoT devices that continuously capture and leverage data throughout their lifecycle. With data-driven design, manufacturing, optimized operations and smart service offerings, we improve SOFC systems along multiple dimensions increasing efficiency, availability and lifetime.


This talk will highlight our experience and learnings in building a modern Analytics Data Platform. The platform integrates seamlessly with the digital twin architecture to empower data-driven approaches in the SOFC product lifecycle. We demonstrate the importance of our core platform principles – automation, scalability, modular design, and flexible development – as we prepare for future product evolution.


Join us as we dive into the practical implications of leveraging data to shape a sustainable green energy future.

Meet the speakers

Anna Lagutina profile

Anna Lagutina

Software Consultant at Thoughtworks

Anna is a software developer who is committed to continuously learning and growing in her field. Her diverse range of interests and expertise includes a deep understanding of the best software practices, and a unique perspective gained from her background in business and passion for psychology. With a focus on empathy and understanding, Anna can design software solutions that meet clients' technical requirements while also aligning with their broader business objectives.

Anna Lagutina profile

Anastasia Caspers

Data Analytics Lead, Cyber-physical Systems, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells at Bosch

Anastasia has built analytics solutions across diverse industries including finance, mobility, and most recently in the green energy sector at Bosch Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. She is driven by building new things, using modern technology, data and analytics to create business impact.

Sign up now

The event will take place in the event space of our Stuttgart office: Ruppmannstraße 28 (4 OG), 70565 Stuttgart.

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