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更新于 : Nov 30, 2017
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Nov 2017
Assess ? 在了解它将对你的企业产生什么影响的前提下值得探索

Caffe is an open source library for deep learning created by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center. It mostly focusses on convolutional networks for computer vision applications. Caffe is a solid and popular choice for computer vision-related tasks and you can download many successful models made by Caffe users from the Caffe Model Zoo for out-of-the-box use. Like Keras, Caffe is a Python-based API. In Keras, however, models and components are objects created directly in Python code, whereas Caffe models are described by Protobuf configuration files. Either approach has its pros and cons, and converting between the two is also possible.

Mar 2017
Assess ? 在了解它将对你的企业产生什么影响的前提下值得探索

Caffe is an open source library for deep learning created by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center. It mostly focusses on convolutional networks for computer vision applications. Caffe is a solid and popular choice for computer vision-related tasks and you can download many successful models made by Caffe users from the Caffe Model Zoo for out-of-the-box use. Like Keras, Caffe is a Python-based API. In Keras, however, models and components are objects created directly in Python code, whereas Caffe models are described by Protobuf configuration files. Either approach has its pros and cons, and converting between the two is also possible.

发布于 : Mar 29, 2017

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