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Our A11y Awareness Community is a self organised and intrinsic motivated community who has one goal: create awareness about the importance of accessibility! How can we make our industry, our company, our products more inclusive and accessible? How can we motivate others to question they accessiblity approach? Find out ways, inspirations and content to get the answers to these questions here.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day Events

May 17, 2023



Proy Bussayajirapong and Congsu He


Access for all: navigating digital accessibility


Let's celebrate the 12th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! The purpose of the event is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion.





Future is for everyone - How we can make our industry more inclusive and accessible


In industrialized countries between 50% and 70% of people with disabilities are unemployed. Children with disabilities are much less likely to complete their primary education. These are just a few key facts about disability and inclusion and why our industry is failing people with disabilities.

So how can we make our industry more inclusive, more equitable and more accessible?

We want to show you different workshop concepts from our Responsible Tech Playbook and more that could lead you to better ideas. Test them out in our workshop playground and see how old problems could be solved with new thinking.



Sannie Lee & Knut Borchers


Accessibility is for all


When people talk about accessibility, they often have a narrow view of it, whether it's only about disability or that it's something developers and designers are responsible for in tech. While that's not wrong, it is insufficient. Learn about bringing accessibility into your work in general and as a product manager and understand how accessibility is about us all.


Accessibility for Product Managers: why you should give a **** - with Sannie


When discussing accessibility and tech, the first thing that comes to mind is design and development. But what about product management? What is the role of product managers when it comes to accessibility? Accessibility isn't just for design and development; product managers need to give a **** too. Let's talk about why so we can ensure we build better, inclusive products for everyone.


Accessibility is about people - with Knut


Join me on a tour around accessibility and disability and let me introduce you to different perspectives on accessibility and how it impacts and benefits everyone. The goal of my talk is to make you curious and annoyed. Curious about the benefits of accessibility and annoyed by unnecessary barriers, not only on the web but in your everyday life.



Andree Müller


Accessibility awareness & empathy workshop


2 hour on-site workshop to familiarize participants with the topic of accessibility. The workshop is divided into two parts. In the first part, the forms of disabilities will be worked out in groups. The second part deals with getting to know tools that people with disabilities use for the use of digital products.



with talks by Maria Enge and Djamal Okoko


Innovation though inclusive design


Assistive technologies have driven innovation in mainstream devices for over a century. In this talk, hear stories from entrepreneurs, inventors, and leaders, including a Berlin startup making waves by helping children walk and what changes the new EU digital Accessibility Act will bring for business and tech throughout the region.


Supporting children with motion impairments to live a life of self-determined mobility

Maria Enge - Co-Founder at RooWalk


Disability Mainstreaming

Djamal Okoko - Member of SOZIALHELDEN e.V.



Amsterdam (remote)

Josefien Matla


Accessibility Matters - Making digital products for everyone

Have you ever wondered what it's like for people with disabilities to experience the world? What are the unique challenges for them to use applications? And how can design help in making sure the products we build are as inclusive as possible? Join us at our upcoming meetup where you'll learn not only why accessibility is essential but also how to implement it in your own work habits. 



Sign up via MeetUp.com

Click on the relevant event title to sign up.

Meet the community

Minette Mangahas

Principal Experience Design Strategist

Larissa Günther

Software Developer

Berni Ruoff

Lead Consultant Experience Design

Check out our responsible tech playbook