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Atualizado em : May 05, 2015
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May 2015
Swagger2.0 is a standard way to describe a RESTful API so that human-readable documentation and client examples can be generated automatically. The update to version 2.0 provides some significant flexibility enhancements and the list of tools for generating documentation continues to expand. There are also several alternatives to Swagger emerging from the vendor community, most significantly RAML and API Blueprint.
Jan 2015
Jul 2014
Swagger is a standard way to describe a RESTful API so that documentation and client examples can be generated automatically. We think there's a need for some standards in this area and hope that this approach embraces Postel's law and avoids the tight-coupling and inflexibility of standards like WSDL. A number of tools are now available to render documentation and client pages from swagger-compliant descriptions.
Publicado : Jul 08, 2014