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Atualizado em : Jan 28, 2015
Este blip não está na edição atual do Radar. Se esteve em uma das últimas edições, é provável que ainda seja relevante. Se o blip for mais antigo, pode não ser mais relevante e nossa avaliação pode ser diferente hoje. Infelizmente, não conseguimos revisar continuamente todos os blips de edições anteriores do Radar. Saiba mais
Jan 2015
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The team behind Java 8 had to fight two battles: the community forces encouraging forever backwards compatibility (a long hallmark of Java) and the technical challenge of making a deep language change mesh with existing libraries and features. They succeeded on both fronts, breathing new life into the Java Language and placing it on par with other mainstream languages in terms of functional programming features. In particular, Java 8 has excellent syntactic magic that allows seamless interoperability between Lambda blocks, the new higher-order function feature, and SAM (Single Abstract Method) interfaces, the traditional way of passing behavior.

Jul 2014
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The team behind Java 8 had to fight two battles: the community forces encouraging forever backwards compatibility (a long hallmark of Java) and the technical challenge of making a deep language change mesh with existing libraries and features. They succeeded on both fronts, breathing new life into the Java Language and placing it on par with other mainstream languages in terms of functional programming features. In particular, Java 8 has excellent syntactic magic that allows seamless interoperability between Lambda blocks, the new higher-order function feature, and SAM (Single Abstract Method) interfaces, the traditional way of passing behavior.
Publicado : Jul 08, 2014

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