The Financial Services and Insurance industry is in the middle of a perfect storm. Complex, accelerating forces are transforming the value chain of every financial market.
How can you organically grow with competing demands for your money, resources, and executive attention? Established insurance companies, big banks, and fintech scale-ups all call on us to help them grow in the face of unprecedented disruption.
Adaptive enterprises will possess the ability to:

Thoughtworks has been operating in Australia since 1999, with offices in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Our established Financial Services practice helps Banks, Insurance companies and the broader Fintech ecosystem to solve their most complex business problems.
We connect strategy and execution; applying our global insight to identify custom solutions that strengthen our clients’ core technology and software delivery processes, and create seamless digital experiences for their customers and employees.
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On demand webinars
Banking on growth: Closing the financing gap for SMEs
As the backbone of our economy, SMEs are also the key to lifting the nation out of economic decline. Providing businesses with access to credit and other financial support will be crucial to helping manage their recovery. In this webinar, our panelists discuss how the emergence of fintechs, improved access to and usage of data with open banking, comprehensive credit reporting as well as government support can provide SMEs a lifeline and help rebuild Australia’s economy.
Reimagining Credit: Panel Discussion
As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for access to credit to support consumers, sustain businesses and bolster the economy is even greater. Will existing risk models based on historical data and existing processes to approve and issue credit be sufficient?
In this moderated discussion, we ask our panelists from fintechs and financial institutions what they see is key to reimagine credit for the future.
Digital Payments: Will speed, security and ease of use trump choice?
In this webinar, we ask payment industry experts from Australia and India on how the shift towards digital payments will transform the way businesses and consumers transact. We’ll also discuss how regulatory intervention (e.g New Payments Platform) and technology advances (e.g Tokenization and Near-Field Communication) are accelerating the changes in the way we pay.
Of Mice and Elephants: Helping fintechs and large institutions collaborate for better outcomes
In this webinar, we speak to executives from all sides of the equation to hear first-hand their perspectives on what it’s like to work with culturally different partners, and some ways to overcome common challenges and move to a model that enables a better outcome for all the parties including the end customers.
Open Data: Making it real
With the shift towards open banking well and truly underway, many players in the banking industry are looking to realise the opportunities open data presents. However, there are many considerations - on a technical, customer and regulatory level - that businesses need to address first. Join leaders across APAC to learn about the challenges, use cases and partnerships that have helped businesses make open data a reality.
The SMB financial services ecosystem
The word ‘ecosystem’ may not have been used to describe the Australian financial services industry a few years ago. However, driven by customer demand, technology and regulation (e.g. open finance), there is a massive shift in the way financial services and adjacent participants in the SMB ecosystem are working together to create new revenue streams, deliver innovative offerings and improve customer experience. In this webinar, the panelists will explore the opportunities and challenges in a changing SMB financial services ecosystem.