Striving for positive social change is at the heart of our purpose, culture and work.
As technologists, we have a unique role to play in ensuring technology benefits all of society, toward a more equitable future. Our vision for social change inspires and motivates us to take collective action. We amplify, through our skill set, the work of our partners at the forefront of social movements. Learn more about examples of this work in our Stories hub.

Global impact report: Our purpose in action
Our purpose is to create extraordinary impact. In this report we outline actions taken over the last year across diversity, equity and inclusion, sustainability and social change both internally and with our partners.

Our podcast: Talking tech and social change
Talking tech and social change explores the intersection between tech and society, with a clear focus on how technologists can make a difference.

Stories of social change, inclusion and sustainability
Discover the work that Thoughtworkers are involved in around the world to support social movements, NGOs, and digital public goods.
The social change framework
Our approach to advancing social change and promoting a more equitable tech future continues to evolve. Today, we use this framework to guide us, ensuring that we approach social change on every level.

Personal journey
We provide a platform for Thoughtworkers to become more socially conscious, empathetic global citizens and technologists.
Thoughtworks and industry
Diversity, equity & inclusion
We reject discrimination and inequality, and promote diversity in all its forms. We actively strive to make Thoughtworks and our industry more reflective and inclusive of the society we serve.
Tech for social change
Technology tools can be a lever for social change. We engage with social justice organizations where we believe Thoughtworks can provide deep value, through strategy, design and technology.
Solidarity over charity
Our social impact strategies are informed by our partners. Whether they are social movements or communities, we strive to align our priorities with organizational coalitions to maximise our impact.
Responsible technology
Technology is rapidly changing society. We drive conversations about privacy, equity, and inclusion. We proactively work to identify, understand, and address inequities in emerging technology.

Our people; our culture

Our clients; our work
Stay in touch
If you are interested in our updates, thought leadership and events relating to social change, diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability (and nothing else) please sign up here.