A prominent player in Chinese steel manufacturing since 1993, Wiskind Group partnered with Thoughtworks for support with sustainability governance and to enable a new digital ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) approach.
Heavy manufacturing involves high energy consumption, with some pollution an inevitable outcome given the processes involved. Thoughtworks China identified an opportunity to help Wiskind – an innovation leader that focuses on low-carbon, environmentally-friendly techniques to develop the construction industry – with a new CarbonOps methodology to help reduce its environmental impact.
The project began with a Thoughtworks-led inception workshop. Our team helped identify four possible carbon reduction processes using a newly created digital platform to track the carbon footprint of various business scenarios. These inspired nine use cases for energy saving and emission reduction through more sustainable processes.
The results were impressive. Thanks to our solution, Wiskind was able to limit significant potential carbon emissions during both product design and production phases. Its new CarbonOps strategy also led to measurable benefits for overall cost control and added brand value.
The collaboration with Thoughtworks has helped Wiskind Group achieve a more holistic ESG strategy and have a positive impact on the environment and industry alike – showcasing the power of technology to drive sustainable development.