A single team remote wall is a simple technique to reintroduce the team wall virtually. We recommend that distributed teams adopt this approach; one of the things we hear from teams who moved to remote working is that they miss having the physical team wall. This was a single place where all the various story cards, tasks, status and progress could be displayed, acting as an information radiator and hub for the team. The wall acted as an integration point with the actual data being stored in different systems. As teams have become remote, they've had to revert to looking into the individual source systems and getting an "at a glance" view of a project has become very difficult. While there might be some overhead in keeping this up-to-date, we feel the benefits to the team are worth it. For some teams, updating the physical wall formed part of the daily "ceremonies" the team did together, and the same can be done with a remote wall.
With the increased use of remote distributed teams, one of the things we hear people have missed having is the physical team wall. This is a single place where all the various story cards, tasks, status and progress can be displayed, acting as an information radiator and hub for the team. Often the wall was an integration point with the actual data being stored in different systems. As teams have become remote, they've had to revert to looking into the individual source systems and getting an "at a glance" view of a project has become very difficult. A single team remote wall is a simple technique to reintroduce the team wall virtually. While there might be some overhead in keeping this up-to-date, we feel the benefits to the team are worth it. For some teams, updating the physical wall formed part of the daily "ceremonies" the team did together, and the same can be done with a remote wall.