Five years ago we highlighted the problems with long-lived branches with Gitflow. Essentially, long-lived branches are the opposite of continuously integrating all changes to the source code, and in our experience continuous integration is the better approach for most kinds of software development. Later we extended our caution to Gitflow itself, because we saw teams using it almost exclusively with long-lived branches. Today, we still see teams in settings where continuous delivery of web-based systems is the stated goal being drawn to long-lived branches. So we were delighted that the author of Gitflow has now added a note to his original article, explaining that Gitflow was not intended for such use cases.
Gitflow is a strict branching pattern for releases using Git. Although not an inherently bad pattern, we often see it misused. If the feature and develop branches are short lived and merged often, you are really using the power of Git, which makes these activities easy. However, a problem we often see is that these become long lived branches , which results in the dreaded merge conflicts many people began using Git to escape. A merge is a merge. Regardless of the source control tool or pattern you use. If you wait more than a day or two to merge, you could hit a big merge conflict. This becomes a real issue if you have a larger team. If you have more than a few people waiting to merge, you can have a serious a bottleneck. Introducing patterns like Gitflow require the discipline to merge often to be successful. So by all means use the pattern, but only if you have the discipline to prevent long lived branches