Authors: Sriram Narayan

Building an Agile organization doesn’t have to be a headache
Agile IT Organization Design demonstrates how to navigate the cultural and political waters of the modern organization, and explores how to lay the strong foundations to do Agile successfully. Taking in the structure, metrics, and habits needed to move fast without breaking things, this book will help you audit and identify existing challenges and uncover tactics and strategies to overcome them.
Take a look inside
Team design is fundamental to the success of Agile. Read this free chapter from the book and discover tools to begin thinking critically about the way teams operate inside your organization.
Sriram Narayan
VP advisory at Thoughtworks
Sriram works with clients to improve the performance of their digital, product and IT organizations by effecting change at the level of middle management and above. Previously, he served as a director of innovation, a market-facing product owner and a member of the Thoughtworks Technology Advisory Board.

Industry attention
Since its launch, the book has gained industry attention. For example, Vanguard's CIO recommended it to the top of a must-read list and the Managing Director of Consumer Digital at Lloyds's Bank included it in a digital leaders list. InfoQ interviewed Sriram about the book.

The Business-Capability-Aligned Organization
Sriram continues to share his insights as he helps clients with digital agility. He described the business-capability-aligned organization as an alternative to the traditional project-centric model. This approach is now recommended by Martin Fowler as a better alternative to bimodal or two-speed IT. Do check out the book’s companion web site for his latest posts.