Listen to Harinee Muralinath, Practice Lead - Security at Thoughtworks India, talk about practices and tools that help you move towards a "left-shift" in Application Security.
Enough proof exists of increasing security concerns when it comes to technology, and software in particular. Today, we still rely on penetration testing to protect our applications. However, in an agile world, where continuous feedback is key, the transition from DevOps to DevSecOps is not the most efficient way to go about things. So, where does one start?
In this 80-minute talk, we'll discuss practices and tools to jump-start your security projects, moving you towards what's being referred to as, 'shift-left' security.

About the Speaker
After a graduation in Physics and MBA in Systems, Harinee joined Thoughtworks 9 years back as a QA. Application security has been her passion since then and striving for the best quality in delivery has become an obsession for her. Today, she plays the role of Security Practice Lead at Thoughtworks India and incorporating security practices in every delivery is a major part of her job role.
* #TalkTechToHer is a Thoughtworks India initiative focused on gender inclusivity in the workplace. It is aimed at women technologists with more than 6 years of experience in the industry, giving us the perfect opportunity to celebrate our technologists and engage with more women who are just as inspiring.