Dai Zhang
Experience Design LeadI'm the lead for Thoughtworks China Experience Design team.
I am a rational yet sensitive designer who always like to see the world in unique perspectives. I believe that design is not a process that happens in a vacuum, so I also try different roles, like pre-sales, project manager, business analyst, etc., to make myself as diversified as possible.
As an ex-entrepreneur, I'm passionate about startup culture, business models and the Lean Startup philosophy. I'm also a fan of Edwards Deming.
I am a seasoned thinker, writer and orator. My thoughts have been realized in various articles. I also demonstrate and test my ideas with presentations and workshops in conferences like IxDC, ScrumGathering, China Mobile Developers Network and Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair.
My first book on self-learning titled The Modern Autodidact was published late 2014. I also translated books like Making Software, Running Lean, Lean UX, and The Connected Company, etc.