Cypress is still a favorite among our teams where developers manage end-to-end tests themselves, as part of a healthy test pyramid, of course. We decided to call it out again in this Radar because recent versions of Cypress have added support for Firefox, and we strongly suggest testing on multiple browsers. The dominance of Chrome and Chromium-based browsers has led to a worrying trend of teams seemingly only testing with Chrome which can lead to nasty surprises.
We keep receiving positive feedback on "post-Selenium" web UI testing tools such as Cypress, TestCafe and Puppeteer. Running end-to-end tests can present challenges, such as the long duration of the running process, the flakiness of some tests and the challenges of fixing failures in CI when running tests in headless mode. Our teams have had very good experiences with Cypress by solving common issues such as lack of performance and long wait time for responses and resources to load. Cypress has become the tool of choice for end-to-end testing within our teams.
Running end-to-end tests can present challenges, such as the long duration of the running process, the flakiness of some tests and the challenges of fixing failures in CI when running tests in headless mode. Our teams have had very good experiences with Cypress by solving common issues such as lack of performance and long wait time for responses and resources to load. Cypress is a useful tool that helps developers build end-to-end tests and records all test steps as a video in an MP4 file to make it easier to identify errors.
Fixing end-to-end test failures in CI can be a painful experience, especially in headless mode. Cypress is a useful tool that helps developers build end-to-end tests easily and records all test steps as a video in an MP4 file. Instead of reproducing the issue in headless mode, developers can watch the testing video in order to fix it. Cypress is a powerful platform, not only a testing framework. Currently, we've integrated its CLI with headless CI in our projects.
Fixing end-to-end test failures in CI can be a painful experience, especially in headless mode. Cypress is a useful tool that helps developers build end-to-end tests easily and records all test steps as a video in an MP4 file. Instead of reproducing the issue in headless mode, developers can watch the testing video in order to fix it. Cypress is a powerful platform, not only a testing framework. Currently, we've integrated its CLI with headless CI in our projects.