Published : Apr 13, 2021
This blip is not on the current edition of the Radar. If it was on one of the last few editions, it is likely that it is still relevant. If the blip is older, it might no longer be relevant and our assessment might be different today. Unfortunately, we simply don't have the bandwidth to continuously review blips from previous editions of the Radar.
Understand more
Apr 2021
As we continue developing web applications in JavaScript, we continue enjoying the Testing Library approach of testing applications; and carry on exploring and gaining experience with its packages — beyond that of React Testing Library. Angular Testing Library brings all the benefits of its family when testing UI components in a user-centric way, pushing for more maintainable tests focused primarily on behavior rather than testing UI implementation details. Although it falls short in documentation, Angular Testing Library does provide good sample tests that helped us in getting started faster for various cases. We've had great success with this testing library in our Angular projects and advise you to trial this solid testing approach.