By now many organizations have created sprawling landscapes of services in the cloud. Of course, this is only possible when using infrastructure as code and mature tooling. We still like Terraform, not the least because of its rich and growing ecosystem. However, the lack of abstractions in HCL, Terraform's default configuration language, effectively creates a glass ceiling. Using Terragrunt pushes that up a bit further, but more and more often our teams find themselves longing for the abstractions afforded by modern programming languages. Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF), which resulted from a collaboration between AWS's CDK team and Hashicorp, makes it possible for teams to use several programming languages, including TypeScript and Java, to define and provision infrastructure. With this approach it follows the lead of Pulumi while remaining in the Terraform ecosystem. We've had good experiences with CDKTF but have decided to keep it in the Assess ring until it moves out of beta.