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We've published more than 100 books on a wide variety of technical topics.
Here, you'll find everything in our library — why not dive in?

Distributed Serverless Architectures on AWS
by Jithin Jude Paul

Lean Enterprise
by Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky and Barry O’Reilly

by Patrick Kua

Recipes for Continuous Database Integration
by Pramod Sadalage
Programação Funcional
by Gregório Melo

NoSQL Distilled
by Pramod Sadalage & Martin Fowler

Understanding Design Thinking, Lean, and Agile
by Jonny Schneider

Testing Microservices with Mountebank
by Brandon Byars

Continuous Delivery
by David Farley and Jez Humble

CoffeeScript in action
by Patrick Brian Lee

TDD em Ruby (PT-only)
by Hugo Corbucci, co-author

Thoughtworks Antologia Brasil
(PT-only) Paulo Caroli, editor

DevOps em Prática
by Danilo Sato

Lean Experimentation in Action
by Maryam Aidini & Kylie Castellaw

ServiceStack 4 Cookbook
by Kyle Hodgson, co-author

Thoughtworks Anthology II
by Neal Ford, editor

The Retrospective Handbook
by Patrick Kua

Agile Analytics
by Ken W. Collier

REST: From Research to Practice
chapter authors: Ian Robinson & Duncan Cragg

Agile Experience Design
by Lindsay Ratcliffe & Marc McNeill, co-authors

by co-authors Kaifeng Zhang, Ran Xiao

REST in Practice
by Ian Robinson & Jim Webber

The Agile Samurai
by Jonathan Rasmusson

Professional F# 2.0
by Aaron Erickson, co-author

Test-Drive ASP .NET MVC
by Jonathan McCracken

Domain Specific Languages
by Martin Fowler & Rebecca Parsons, co-authors

Apprenticeship Patterns
by Adewale Oshineye & Dave Hoover, co-authors

97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know
Contributors: Adrian Wible, Anupam Kundu, Joe Zenevitch, Neal Ford and Pat Kua

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
Contributors: Dan North & Neal Ford

Refactoring: Ruby Edition
by Jay Fields, Shane Harvie & Martin Fowler

The Nomadic Developer
by Aaron Erickson

97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know
Contributors: Erik Doernenburg, Neal Ford and Rebecca Parsons

Agile Project Management 2nd edition
by Jim Highsmith

Thoughtworks Anthology
Rebecca Parsons, editor

The Productive Programmer
by Neal Ford

Foundation Rails 2
by Eldon Alameda

Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects
by Ola Bini

Pattern Languages of Program Design 5
by Dragos Manolescu

To the Woods
by John Scott

Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns
by Erik Doernenburg, contributor

No Fluff Just Stuff Anthology
by Neal Ford, editor

Agile Project Management
by Jim Highsmith

Enterprise Integration Patterns
by Gregor Hohpe

Java Open Source Programming
by Joe Walnes

Art of Java Web Development
by Neal Ford

Agile Software Development Ecosystems
by Jim Highsmith

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
by Martin Fowler

Professional JSP Site Design
by Joe Walnes

Lessons Learned in Software Testing
by Bret Pettichord, co-author

Planning Extreme Programming
by Martin Fowler

Adaptive Software Development
by Jim Highsmith

UML Distilled
by Martin Fowler

by Martin Fowler

JBuilder 3 Unleashed
by Neal Ford, co-author

Analysis Patterns
by Martin Fowler

Developing with Delphi
by Neal Ford, co-author

Test-Driven Development with React
by Juntao Qiu

JavaScript 核心概念及实践
by Juntao Qiu

by Bin Wu

by Sicong He

by co-authors Ran Liu,Ran Xiao,Yu Tan

Adaptive Leadership
by Jim Robert Highsmith

Functional Thinking
by Neal Ford
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