Your calls may be back to back. You may be pairing all day. You may be juggling parenting and running a home and a full-time job. You may be taking care of elderly relatives and working on a thesis. Time is the most precious resource we all have, but if we don’t use a small amount of it to take care of ourselves, everything can fall apart.
One of the most profound pieces of advice, that we all often overlook, is: “Put your oxygen mask on first.”
You can find one minute every day, or even several times a day. Just as you find time to exercise or take care of your physical health, finding time for your mental health can help prevent falling into negative cycles or stress building up to dangerous levels.
In October we recognize World Mental Health Day. While one day isn’t enough time to give space to all of the thoughts, learning and discussions that we need to have about mental health, it is enough time to start a new positive habit. Just a minute is all we need to start with small ways to support ourselves and each other.
So, right now, take thirty seconds
To take a few deep breaths and just really think about the question: “How am I feeling?” Sometimes, just taking a moment to think about how you’re feeling and giving that feeling a name can help (we don’t always have the vocabulary to describe our present state, but if you start in the middle of this wheel, it will guide you to more specific feelings).

This is the Feelings Wheel (go on, add it to your bookmarks!) Checking in with yourself is one daily practice that takes seconds. It’s also really powerful to do as a team: share it on standups or in your weekly meeting, and encourage everyone to share, if they are comfortable, how they’re feeling. It will start your meetings with empathy and allow people to recognize that everyone is coming to your space with different perspectives, and with different needs.
Please, if you are struggling with your mental health, seek support from a therapist, your doctor, your benefits provider or insurer, or a local mental health charity, like Calm.
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Thoughtworks.