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snap ci tool all cloud based continuous integration continuous delivery needs

Snap CI is the Tool for all Cloud-Based Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Needs

Snap is the next evolution in Continuous Delivery & Continuous Integration software from Thoughtworks, with built-in expertise and best practices from well-known technology leaders.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- Surveys show that half of software organizations polled believe they're practicing continuous delivery, but many don't truly practice its key concepts. Snap CI, a product of Thoughtworks, is changing that. Snap CI is known for its built-in Continuous Integration and Delivery best practices, a clean and visual UI, and fast feedback.


“Hot tech startups are all talking about doing continuous deployment, like you see at places like Etsy or Facebook. But you can’t do these things reliably without a solid continuous delivery pipeline. Luckily, CD isn’t just aspirational: it is achievable,” says Snap’s Product Manager Suzie Prince. 


“Snap CI is the tool that you may not have heard of, but should absolutely know about it you want to do CI and CD in the cloud.”

Snap CI capabilities:


  • Progressively test and get feedback across the full deployment pipeline
  • Run tests in parallel
  • Immediately debug a failed stage
  • Support for Ruby, Java, Docker
  • Build on CentOS or Ubuntu
  • First-class customer support team
  • Full sudo capability offers users the ability to create their own environments
  • Closely integrated to GitHub workflow


"Thoughtworks has been at the forefront of Continuous Delivery adoption since 2010 when former Thoughtworkers Jez Humble and David Farley published the first book on Continuous Delivery," says Technical Evangelist Ken Mugrage. "Snap CI continues that spirit of innovation in their product design, always creating new and improved ways for customers to make their releases more reliable and more frequent."












Basic non-tech intro to Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, etc: http://bit.ly/1LjH8S4


Case-study of Snap client Tramchester, a mobile transit app: http://bit.ly/1oYL2ug


DZone "State of Continuous Delivery" 2015 report and survey: https://dzone.com/guides/continuous-delivery-3




Thoughtworks aims to push software development teams to think and work differently. We were leaders in continuous integration and created the first continuous integration server, Cruise Control, in 2001. From there, we pushed the boundaries of CI into what would become Continuous Delivery. We’ve been working to make Continuous Delivery common practice for the last decade. We didn't just write the book on Continuous Delivery. We also made the best build and deployment pipelines for on-premise and cloud in GoCD and Snap.