Predictive analytics are used in more and more products, often directly in end user-facing functionality. H2O is an interesting open source package (with a startup behind it) that makes predictive analytics accessible to development teams, offering straightforward use of a wide variety of analytics, great performance and easy integration on JVM-based platforms. At the same time it integrates with the data scientists’ favorite tools, R and Python, as well as Hadoop and Spark.
Predictive analytics are used in more and more products, often directly in end user-facing functionality. H2O is an interesting open source package (with a startup behind it) that makes predictive analytics accessible to development teams, offering straightforward use of a wide variety of analytics, great performance and easy integration on JVM-based platforms. At the same time it integrates with the data scientists’ favorite tools, R and Python, as well as Hadoop and Spark.
Predictive analytics are used in more and more products, often directly in end-user facing functionality. H2O is an interesting new open source package (with a startup behind it) that makes predictive analytics accessible to project teams due to its easy-to-use user interface. At the same time it integrates with the data scientists’ favourite tools, R and Python, as well as Hadoop and Spark. It offers great performance and, in our experience, easy integration at runtime, especially on JVM-based platforms.