Much like Cypress and TestCafe, Puppeteer is one of the web UI testing tools garnering praise from our teams. Puppeteer can have fine-grained control over headless browsers, obtain time-trace for performance diagnostics and more. Our teams have found Puppeteer to be stable as well as faster and more flexible than alternatives based on WebDriver.
In the previous Radar we mentioned Headless Chrome for front-end test. With the adoption of Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) by other browsers a new set of libraries is emerging for browser automation and testing. CDP allows for fine-grained control over the browser even in headless mode. New high-level libraries are being created using CDP for testing and automation. Puppeteer is one of these new libraries. It can drive headless Chrome through a single-page application, obtain time-trace for performance diagnostics and more. Our teams found it faster and also more flexible than alternatives based on WebDriver.