Anand Bagmar
Software Quality EvangelistAnand Bagmar is a hands-on and result-oriented Software Quality Evangelist with 17+ years in the IT field of which 14+ years in the software test field. He is passionate about shipping a quality product, and specializes in building automated testing tools, infrastructure and frameworks. Anand writes testing related blogs and has built open-source tools related to Software Testing – WAAT (Web Analytics Automation Testing Framework), TaaS (for automating the integration testing in disparate systems) and TTA (Test Trend Analyzer).
Anand is the lead organizer for the very popular testing conference in India – vodQA, and also speaks in conferences around the world. You can follow him on Twitter @BagmarAnand, email him at anand.bagmar@thoughtworks.com / abagmar@gmail.com, or read his blog.