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Última actualización : Aug 31, 2010
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Aug 2010
Internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox, have made serious inroads in the implementation of the HTML 5 specification. With these advances it is now possible to experience many of the improvements that HTML brings. Unfortunately so far Microsoft has lagged on implementing these new standards. We recommend that organizations favor standards compliant browsers over IE8.
Apr 2010
Jan 2010
Web browsers continue to evolve as they strive to keep pace with new specifications in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Alas, many enterprises have yet to embrace the end of life for IE6 and move to a newer and more standards compliant option. Of the browsers available today, Firefox and Opera provide support for the widest range of platforms. The Google browser, Chrome, brings new innovation to the browser space by splitting browser tabs into separate processes while providing a new implementation of JavaScript. These changes appear to give Chrome a significant performance boost over other browsers and have influenced the creation of a netbook OS called Chrome OS. While enterprises may look to move off IE6 and onto Microsoft’s IE8, we remain concerned about IE8’s current level of compliance to web standards.
Publicado : Jan 11, 2010