Published : Apr 03, 2024
This blip is not on the current edition of the Radar. If it was on one of the last few editions, it is likely that it is still relevant. If the blip is older, it might no longer be relevant and our assessment might be different today. Unfortunately, we simply don't have the bandwidth to continuously review blips from previous editions of the Radar.
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Apr 2024
The efficiency and performance of Rust make it a good fit for serverless computing. Another advantage is that Rust functions don’t require a run time, which results in fast startup times. However, the developer experience for writing the functions in Rust wasn’t great. That changed with Cargo Lambda. As a cargo subcommand, it integrates with the typical Rust workflow and allows you to run and test your AWS Lambda functions on the developer machine without needing Docker, VMs or other tools. Using a Zig toolchain, Cargo Lambda can cross-compile the functions on several operating systems for the Linux sandboxes used by AWS Lambda, and both Arm and Intel are supported as target architectures.